June 14, 2007 – 10:03 am

The Origin Of Digit Magazine

India is a developing country and the IT sector is one which is taking our country to a completely new era. From no telephones, we have now reached a stage where people from all walks of life have mobile phones. All manual gadgets are on their way out and new electronic goods are making their way into our homes.
Some people are tech savvy and change their electronic goods with ease but the others have doubts and look for reassurance. This is where information technology magazines come in. These magazines are a guide for prospective buyers.
Digit has a tag line which says… Your Technology Navigator. The magazine, which is published by Jasubhai Digital Media Private Ltd., concentrates on all sorts of technological gadgets. They review these gadgets, conduct polls and then give you a final outlook of the product.
Digit, earlier was published as the CHIP magazine. This was done by the Jasubhai group in collaboration with the Vogel-Veriag Group in Germany. They were the highest selling IT magazine group in India. Later, due to some differences between the companies, Jasubhai decided to part ways. Soon they launched their own IT magazine in two languages. The magazines were Digit in English and Smart Computing in Hindi. Both the magazines were launched in June 2001.
Now, Digit magazine has a massive circulation which is about to displace PC Quest as the second largest selling Indian IT magazine. In 2003, NRS declared that with a circulation of 395000, Digit had crossed the sales of PC Quest.
Talking about competition Digit has only two serious contenders: The Living Digital and PC Quest. Year after year, the magazine has been gaining the market share regularly. They started with a rotation of 120000 and now have a rotation, which has grown sizably.
The magazine is published by Maulik Jasubhai. Deepak Ajwani is the editor. This English IT magazine is published in India and is now placed as the third largest selling IT magazine in the country. They have a website www.thinkdigit.com too.
It’s a magazine which not only tells us about products. It has many sections namely
1.    Enter
2.    Digital Passion
3.    Digital Tools
4.    Digital Business
5.    Digital Leisure
6.    Escape

Let’s take a look at what each section has in store for you. Enter, which is the first section has all sorts of new products which are about to come into the market or have just been launched are introduced to you by their panel of experts.
Digital Passion is a section where you can read articles about how to fulfill your digital passions. It’s not just about the product but other accessories and essentials which make your digital experience more complete.
Digital Tools concentrates on tips and tricks for you. They take a gadget or programme and then tell you all sorts of tips to minimize your work and maximize your output. Clever shortcuts are devised and then written in the simplest possible way for you to understand and use it straight away.
Digital Business is the fourth section of the magazine. Here, the focus is on the new avenues opening up due to digital growth. A lot of articles are written about new businesses or how to make your business more digital.
The fifth part of this magazine is what attracts many readers and is known as Digital Leisure. Here the concentration is on different kinds of topics related to digital up roar. Articles about the first e-literate district etc. can be found here.
Escape comes to the end and tells you about different digital getaways. It’s an IT magazine but it has many uses. If you aren’t tech savvy, pick one and start reading there is soo much to learn and it’s all addicting.

  1. 2 Responses to “DIGIT A MAGAZINE”

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    By Satya Pratap on Feb 8, 2008

  3. hi every
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    By ravindra on Mar 8, 2008