Origin of BlogRush

October 26, 2007 – 9:24 am

Origin of BlogRush
The Origin Of Blogrush
Till now the biggest concern for bloggers was the inadequate number of readers to read their blog, and without spending a good amount of money on advertising, achieving this was a distant dream for many. However, BlogRush solves this problem completely. All thanks to John Reese, the Internet entrepreneur who is the founder and CEO of Income.com a Florida based company that runs the BlogRush service. 

Launched on 14th September 2007,  the concept of BlogRush was devised so as to provide bloggers with a large number of readers to read their blog in a faster manner and that too free of cost. Although BlogRush is a free service, it intends to generate revenue through advertisements and partnership agreements. Apart from this, another source of generating revenue is by selling 10% of surplus credit
Blog Rush, a Cooperative Syndication Network is actually a network of blogs that runs a small widget on their pages. This widget or a small window contains a list and links of 5 blog post titles. Currently bloggers can choose from 13 different widget colors that are available. 
Once a blogger loads his blog, his blog page will contain this widget. Bloggers will provide links related to blog content based on the category used and with the help of proprietary technology. Clicking on any of these links will take reader directly to the blog page so that they can read the entire post. But these links will open in a new browser window there by retaining the original blog window as well. Thus bloggers can show their blog on other bloggers network. Through this system of syndication credit blogger can there by earn maximum exposure to their blog. 
Currently the BlogRush is only for English blogs, however in near future we plan to include foreign language blogs as well. Moreover in order to control the quality of blogs we are also planning to move to a 100% manual review process.