
April 23, 2009 – 4:00 pm

MyspaceMySpace, “a place for friends”, is a social networking website where its users can create their own profile, upload videos, blogs, and pictures and meet new friends. The website is for adults as well as teenagers. It has its headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, USA where it shares an office building with its immediate owner, Fox Interactive Media. This fifth most popular website in English language and one of the top brands in the world, traces a history filled with public disputes along with deals on mergers which zeroed down to nothing and allegations.

Thomas “Tom” Anderson, is the President of this social networking website MySpace. Anderson is the man who is recognized as the founder of this site along with CEO Chris De Wolfe, but Brad Greenspan, the former Chairman, CEO and largest individual shareholder of Intermix Media, claims to be the true “founder of MySpace”.

Going back in time after the 2002 launch of Friendster several employees of eUniverse saw its potential and decided on the launch of a social networking website on similar lines and thus in August 2003, the first version of MySpace was ready for launch. According to its founder, “We followed Friendster’s launch and growth for several months when I decided that eUniverse would be in the social networking business. In the summer of 2003, as the CEO of eUniverse (and largest shareholder), I made the decision to use our technology, resources, and capital to launch, which debuted to the public on August 15, 2003”.
Myspace Myspace Myspace

The original users of MySpace were eUniverse employees.The project was overseen by Brad Greenspan (eUniverse’s Founder, Chairman, CEO), who managed Chris DeWolfe (MySpace’s starting CEO), Josh Berman, Tom Anderson (MySpace’s starting president), and a team of programmers and resources provided by eUniverse. Coming from one of its founder’s mouth MySpace was 100% created and marketed by eUniverse, in 2003.The best talents of eUniverse were taken and infused into the MySpace team, many sharp minds have contributed to adding features and ideas to improve the functionality of the site. Merely six months old MySpace surpasses Friendster as the most trafficked social networking site.

This family of community websites has ultimately become worth tens of billions of dollars.
By February 2005, MySpace traffic started growing by 6% per week. It was during that time DeWolfe met Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to talk about merger, but Zuckerberg wanted $75 million, so the idea was dropped.
In June 2006 it became the most popular website of United States.

The 100 millionth account was created on August 6, 2006 in the Netherlands and the site counted approximately 106 million accounts on September 8, 2008.The company has more than 1600 employees. The site is currently available in 15 different languages.

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