June 10, 2007 – 7:25 pm

The Origin Of

Many of you keep surfing the net in search of something interesting. It is not possible that you can find something interesting always. There is nothing to worry! There is a site which is satisfying the interest needs of many surfers. is a fast growing site. 
This site has a toolbar, which when clicked takes you to a new site. This toolbar is known as a mozilla toolbar. Every time you hit the stumble button, it takes you a site which many other stumblers have visited. Each site you stumble upon has to be rated by you. The site is not only is interesting but also has the element of surprise attached to it.
More than 2.1 million users are proud about using this site. Everyday there are many new members signing up for this surprisingly interesting trip. From 1.7 million users in the end of December 2006, it’s now up to 2.1 million stumblers. This should give you an idea about the attractiveness of this site.
Now, that they have video referrals too, the traffic in this site is bursting at its seams. The site boast of more than four million sites being visited by their users daily. The pages viewed in the US alone double nearly every other month. The popularity of this site has raised $1.5 million round seed financing.
This toolbar can be fed with all your preferences. Once it knows all your preferences and you hit the stumble button, it takes you to websites which match your interests. You can share your interests with many others. This brings in traffic into stumbleupon and also into other favorite sites.
This site brings in a lot of peer and social networking via recommendation. Garett Camp along with Geoff Smith and Justin LaFrance founded this company. When they were in post graduate school they thought of this idea and then started it. The popularity of this site attracted Brad O’Neill, investor in the Silicon Valley project. He then asked the company owners to come over to California. Garett believes that they began being recognized only after the site had half a million registered users. 
The site has many filters which filter your interests and preferences. This then matches your choices with the interests of others. Once your preferences are set, it puts you in a virtual community with like minded people. As a stumbler you are given options to rate the site. You can select between the thumbs up, thumbs down or neutral sign to rate a website, photo, video, news article etc. 
As an advertiser too, stumble helps you. If there is a virtual community for dog lovers and a number of people are viewing certain pictures or websites of dogs very often, stumble lets advertisers place their ads on those frequently visited pages. This brings in good response to the advertisement and good money to the site founders.
Stumbleupon launched another service called stumblethru. Here people can stumble through many pages or websites of other sites like The Onion. The craze of this site has been constantly pushing its founders to find more and innovative ways to satisfy the needs of their users.
Stumblers can join various communities, blogs or interest groups. Posting comments on their favorite topics brings many of their friends and strangers together.
If one click on a stumble button can open up a whole new world of interesting facts to you, why would you wait? This is the reason why so many people irrespective of their age are just signing up to experience all the fun and knowledge on this site. Don’t wait, just login and get your own stumble toolbar. Rate websites and don’t forget to tell your friends about the site.
Come lets all stumble on a new fun website together!Â