The Week
June 3, 2007 – 10:33 am
The Week
It is often said that ‘a pen is mightier than a sword’. And, this statement definitely holds true in the present circumstances. Nowadays, the markets are literally bombarded with a swarm of magazines, periodicals, newsletters. These magazines serve as an excellent means to increase people’s awareness about the various happenings taking place around them and crucial issues concerning their country and the world at large. These magazines play a very instrumental role in shaping people’s ideologies and gradually even hold the power to alter the way a nation thinks.
One such influential and highly successful magazine is “[[The Week]]â€. This magazine basically covers current news articles. It is published by the famous Indian publication house known as the ‘Manorama Malaya Group of publications’. This magazine reviews and reports about the latest events and activities going in and around the country. The presentation style of all the articles is kept interesting and appealing enough to catch the attention of its readers. The news reports are presented in lucid and informative manner. All of its articles are witty and smack of intelligent humor.Â
Another important advantage rendered by this magazine which makes it completely essential for its readers is that after each of its article, it provides detailed account of reviews concerning the topic by some noted critics.
Thus, as a reader goes on reading along the lines of the article, the reviews and unbiased report helps the reader to form his own non-judgmental view about that topic.
This magazine includes some regular features in its content which section-wise deal with interesting and worth knowing information. Some of such columns include The list, The world at a glance, Good week/ Bad week amongst others.
These detailed columns pertaining to some specific area of information assist the reader to learn about various issues which he would not have cared to know about otherwise. For example, the column The List includes a collective list of several books voted by celebrities over a week. Similarly, the column The World at a Glance includes latest news reports from around the world in crisp and concise capsule form.
The magazine’s witty humor is best represented by its column Good week for/Bad Week for which brands any two of the famous celebrities under either of the categories based on their accomplishments or failures during a week.
The magazine covers a host of information regarding all aspects of life ranging from critical political reviews, art, fashion and literature and business trends. All the articles published in the magazine are framed only after they are thoroughly reviewed from innumerous newspapers, online blogs etc.
The magazine’s punch line is “All you need to know about everything that matters†which is printed on the cover of all its issues. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it definitely lives up to this tag as all the latest, controversial topics are discussed in a very straightforward manner. Another praiseworthy fact to be noticed about this magazine is that no issue or report is given unrequited attention or hype.
The magazine is a perfect blend of all the required doses of information in apt quantities. Ranging from political agendas to movie reviews, health issues to catching up on latest bits of gossip, the magazine carries it all.
Another bonus advantage rendered by its readers is that the magazine is now available online as well. The website illustrates and displays all the articles of the magazine online. In fact, important feature columns are assigned separate additional links in the official website of the magazine, which makes it all the more interesting for a reader to easily access them.
One Response to “The Week”
This story needs better editing.
“The Week” is published by Kerala (India) based 119 year old publishing group called Malayala Manorama Publishing Company Ltd. It is printed at Cochin and published from their head office at Kottayam.
Their Daily in Malayalam is India’s largest circulated Daily news paper with 1.7 million copies per day and the only Indian daily printed and published from 17 centres at a time including two foreign countries (Baharin and UAE-Dubai)apart from 15 Indian cities like Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai.It owns MM TV and Radio Mango 91.9, apart from more than a dozen publications including Hindi edition of “Vanita”.
Malayala Manorama group is several times bigger than India Today group.India’s biggest tyre company MRF tyres is one of their sister concerns.
By Joseph Mathew Ettumanur on Mar 27, 2009